Формирование иноязычных умений на занятиях по английскому языку
Различные виды деятельности не только определенным образом программируют смысловую сторону детских высказываний, но и, будучи интересными и увлекательными для ребят, содержат в себе стимул, обеспечивающий активность и инициативность речи, подлинную коммуникативную основу обучения. Выполнение деятельности связано у ребенка со стремлением обосновать и описать свой замысел в речи, рассказать о нем собеседнику (соседу или учителю), спланировать последовательность операций, запросить необходимую информацию, материалы и инструменты для выполнения задания, выразить свое отношение к поделке или рисунку. Участие в деятельности и получение «материального» результата приобретает для ребенка особый смысл, становится личностно-значимым, а значит, мотивирует его речевую деятельность. Все это создает условия как для тренировки различных типов речевых действий (определяющих в том числе и план выражения), так и для их последующего включения в диалоги различного типа.
В зависимости от этапа обучения и усвоенного учебного материала эти диалоги могут представлять собой либо отдельные диалогические единства, либо их совокупности, определяемые задачами общения. По мере формирования диалогических умений реплики каждого из участников общения становятся более длинными и распространенными за счет сообщения дополнительных деталей.
Реплики для участия в диалоге, речевые штампы и клише вводятся через речь воспитателя или игрового персонажа и закрепляются в процессе участия детей в неречевых видах деятельности и ситуациях, которые могут организовываться перед выполнением деятельности либо после ее завершения и служить своеобразным ее продолжением. Диалоги организуются как между воспитателем и детьми, так и между самими дошкольниками.
Обсуждение собственных намерений в деятельности и намерений других детей, а также высказывание предположений относительно их желаний становится возможным после введения речевых образцов What are we (you) going to do?, We are (I am, Не/She is) going to..., I want... и др. Непосредственному участию в выполнении задания могут предшествовать следующие диалоги (расширенные по объему высказывания, возможные во второй половине курса):
— What are we going to do today?
— I want to draw! / I want to model! etc.
— Today we are going to draw a picture of a winter forest. Think of what you are going to draw. Let's guess what Alex is going to draw. Andrew, what is he going to draw?
— I think he is going to draw a bear.
— No, you are wrong! I am going to draw trees with snow.
— Alex, what do you think Marina is going to draw in the forest? etc.
Диалог продолжается по цепочке, таким образом все дети могут принять в нем участие и высказать свои предположения.
Диалог между самими дошкольниками может разворачиваться, например, таким образом: выбирается помощник воспитателя (такой выбор может быть поощрением за активное участие в процессе занятия, за хорошее поведение, за ответ на сложный вопрос и т. д.), который должен раздать детям требуемые материалы для выполнения деятельности в соответствии с их пожеланиями и обменяться соответствующими репликами.
Аппликация «Варежка»
I am going to design a mitten. Please, give me two red circles and four yellow triangles. (Целесообразно, чтобы дети сначала сообщали о том, что они собираются сделать, а затем — какие материалы и инструменты им для этого понадобятся.)
— Here you are.
— Thank you very much!
— You are welcome.
Составление коллажа «Овощи»
— I want to cut out vegetables. Please, give me a cucumber and a carrot.
— This is your cucumber and your carrot.
— Thank you.
— You are welcome.
Если для выполнения деятельности необходимо большее количество видов материалов и инструментов, то здесь может иметь место следующий диалог:
— Who is going to give out paints? Who is going to give out brushes / sheets of paper / glasses with water / to pick up the trash, etc. ?
— I am going to... / I want to...
— Here you are.
— Thank you.
— You are welcome.
В процессе выполнения деятельности учитель подходит к каждому и проверяет действия ребенка, советует, оказывает помощь, осведомляется об этапе его работы и т. д. Например:
— What are you drawing / modeling / cutting out / building, etc.?
— I am drawing...
— What are you going to...
— I am going to....
— Well, Sasha, what are you doing now?
— 1 am drawing Snowgirl's fur-coat.
— Let me help you. Take the pencil. I am going to show you how to draw fur.
Make two lines over here. Don't colour it blue. What colour is the fur?
— It is white.
— You are right.
— Thank you.
— You are welcome.
— Help me, please.
— What's up?
— Please, show me how to make the roof.
— Have you finished?
— No, not yet!
— Who has finished? Raise your hands!
— Are you ready? / Who is ready?
— Yes, I am. / I am ready.
— Very well. Let me see your work.
После выполнения деятельности учитель проводит обсуждение полученного результата со всеми сразу либо с каждым ребенком по мере их готовности. Вопросы педагога касаются особенностей (свойств) изображенных (построенных) предметов, отношения детей к предмету и связанным с ним темам. Так, например, после лепки грибов для игровых персонажей учитель спрашивает о том, что вылепил каждый ребенок, хвалит его грибы, просит сосчитать количество вылепленных грибов, показать и назвать их основные части, цвет, определить форму шляпки; спрашивает, кто из животных любит есть грибы и любит ли их сам ребенок, что еще любят есть белочка и ежик; в какое время года мы собираем грибы, какая погода должна быть, чтобы они росли хорошо; что еще мы можем собирать в лесу, что дети любят делать в лесу и т. д. Дети могут вступать в диалоги с игровыми персонажами в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей и ситуацией. Так, например, Зайка хочет написать книгу о грибах, для этого ему нужно сообщить все необходимые сведения. Диалог проходит в форме интервью и сопровождается заполнением таблицы, размещением соответствующих картинок на фланелеграфе и т. д.
Приведенные примеры могут показаться сложными, однако следует иметь в виду, что предлагаемая методика направлена на широкое использование иностранного языка в педагогическом процессе детского сада. На протяжении всего курса, включающего 105 занятий, проводимых 4 раза в неделю, и дополнительных мероприятий в повседневной жизни детского сада предусматривается постоянное общение педагога с детьми на изучаемом языке. Естественные условия общения, позволяющие зачастую одномоментно установить связь между новым словом и обозначаемым явлением благодаря подкрепляющей силе контекста деятельности, и постоянная повторяемость в речи строго отобранных речевых образцов позволяют обеспечить качественное усвоение всего содержания обучения.
Приведем примеры некоторых фрагментов занятий по темам "Fruit and Vegetables", "Food" и приемов, которые могут сопровождать выполнение тех или иных видов деятельности по данной теме. Текст дается на английском языке.
Making Fruit Salad
Words and patterns: fruit, an apple, a pear, a banana, an orange, a lemon, grapes, trash, a trash can, a salad, a plate, a spoon, a knife, a bowl, a cutting board, to cut bananas (pears, etc.), to hand out / collect spoons (knives, plates), mix it, put... on the plate.
Materials: a peeled apple, a pear, an orange and a banana, cutting boards, safe plastic knives, spoons and plates per each child and a bit more, a bowl.
1. Bunny comes to the lesson. He is very tired. He has just run away from Maleficent. She likes fruit very much and she wanted to take his bag with fruit. But he was able to escape. So these are the fruit he has brought for the children.
it is better if these fruit are real. Bunny shows the fruit to the children and tells them the English words for the fruit: Look! This is an apple. Apple. What color is the apple? Yes, it is red. is it round or long? This is a pear. It is yellow. Do you like pears? Etc.
Then he asks the children if they like fruit salad, The teacher: Children, do you understand these words "fruit salad"? The children guess and give their variants. They usually can guess easily. The teacher may ask them if they like fruit salad. As this dish is not common in Russia most of children do not usually have it for breakfast or dinner. Then she explains that today they are going to make a fruit salad (lemons and grapes are not included).
2. The teacher explains the procedure: We are going to cut apples into small pieces. We are going to cut bananas into small pieces, etc. We are going to put it into a big bowl and mix it all together. Then we will eat it. (The teacher uses jestures and body language to make it clear for the children.)
The teacher hands out the materials and tools (only safe plastic knives can be used): This is a knife. We cut apples with a knife. We cut bananas with a knife. This is a plate. We put salad on the plate. Is the plate round or square? This is a cutting board. Is the cutting board a square or a triangle? This is a spoon. We eat with a spoon, etc.
Who is going to cut the banana/apple/orange/pear? (Children: I am going to cut the banana. I am going to cut the pear, etc.) Go and wash your hands first.
Then teacher demonstrates the way this fruit can be cut: Put your fruit on the cutting board. Take the knife. Cut it into cubes like this. Don't cut your arms. Put everything into this bowl.
Bunny is coming up to the children and speaks to each of them: What are you cutting? Is it an orange or a banana? Do you like bananas? Do you like to cut it?
3. After the salad is ready the teacher asks: Who is going to collect the cutting boards? These are plates. Who is going to hand out plates? Who is going to put the salad on the plates? Who is going to hand out spoons?
Then everyone eats the salad. The teacher may ask after that: Do you like the fruit salad? Do you like apples? Do you like pears? What fruit do you like? She suggests that children should ask Bunny if he likes the salad.
On the Tree and in the Ground
Materials: fruit and vegetables that can be easily attached to the paper tree and paper ground.
Mount a big paper tree on the wall or a chalkboard and a black paper strip under the tree — this is the ground. The tree stands on the ground.
1. Let's play the game. This is a tree. This is the ground. Who can tell me what grows on the tree and in the ground? (The teacher explains the new words pointing to the objects on the board.)
She takes different fruit and vegetables out of the box and asks: What is this? Is this a potato? What color is it? Is it long? No, it is round. Does it grow on the tree? No, it grows in the ground. Or: Where does it grow? — In the ground, etc. The procedure goes on until all the objects are classified.
2. The teacher asks several children come up to the board and point to some vegetables: Point to a potato, a cucumber, a beet, etc. Then she makes a conclusion: These are vegetables. The potato is a vegetable. The tomato is a vegetable, etc. All vegetables grow in or on the ground. These things that grow in or on the ground are vegetables.
3. The same conclusion is made about fruit: Fruit grow on the tree. Name fruit that you like.
Magic Bag
Materials: real or artificial fruit or fruit and vegetables, a nice bag that can be called "magic".
This game is simple but very attractive for children and effective for training different words that name objects, it is always a surprise for children, it is good to use for fun and practice.
The task is: put you hand into the bag.
Take one thing and try to guess what this is.
Name it before you get it out.
Everyone will see whether you are right or wrong.
Another variant: the object is stil! kept in the bag. Children ask the child who is holding the vegetable in the bag and try to guess it: Is it a carrot? Is it a cucumber? Is it a potato? Or: Is it long? Is it round? !s it a vegetable?
The child who takes the object out of the bag may be given task to say about this fruit as much as possible.
Eatable and Uneatable
This game also develops during this game the child catches the ball if he hears a word of anything eatable and he should refuse to catch if the object named is uneatable.
Children like to react emotionally if anyone has eaten something wrong. They laugh: You have eaten a car! I don't like to eat cars! If the child catches the ball and hears anything like "a banana" he says "Oh, it's yummy! I like bananas!"
This is not only fun but this game also develops attention and forms children's lexical sub-skills.
What is Missing?
This game also develops attention: children should notice what changed after they had turned away or closed their eyes. The teacher takes an object out of the line and hides it That child who names the missing fruit or a vegetable gets a point. The winner should get many points. This game is simple but it helps to repeat the words studied in a very interesting form.
Disappearing Game
Children choose the pictures with fruit or vegetables: they may answer the teacher's questions "Who is going to be a pear? Who is going to be a carrot?"Or they can pull cards without looking. The teacher attaches pictures of to the children's clothes and explains: Maleficent has cast a spell on all fruit and vegetabies to make them disappear. She doesn't want them to come to the children. She pronounces a spell and each time a fruit or a vegetable disappears.
Maleficent pronounces:
Touch your nose!
Touch your ear!
Apple, apple,
The children do these actions. As she says it the child who is the "apple" is to squat as if hiding. This continues until all children are seated.
Then the teacher tells the children that she knows how to return all the vegetables and fruit. They read the following rhyme:
Touch your nose!
Touch your ear!
Apple, apple,
Please, appear!
"The apple" stands up. So they do until all children are standing.
Tomato is round
it grows in the ground.
Potato, tomato, A carrot and a beet, All of them are vegetables That I like to eat!
This is an apple
It's yummy and mellow.
These are bananas.
They're tasty and yellow.
An orange, a lemon and grapes
Are so good!
I like to eat this tasty fruit!
Modeling "Big Vegetable Exhibition"
Words and patterns: a potato, a tomato, a carrot, a cucumber, a beet, vegetables, long, to model, clay. I am going to model tomato. Please, give me red clay. This is a cucumber. It is green, it is long. You are right! (wrong). These are tomatoes. They are ted,
1. Bunny comes to the lesson with a basket. He says that he has grown a lot of vegetable to take part in the Big Vegetable Exhibition that takes place in the forest every year. He opens the parcel and takes different vegetables: This is a cucumber. It is green. This is a tomato. It is red and round. Addressing the children: Is it square? Is it long or round? You are right. It is round, etc.
Bunny proposes that children should also take part in this exhibition too. The teacher says that they are going to to model vegetables. She teils the children to think what vegetables they are going model, that she may give them the clay of the right color. She reminds the way they tell about this: I am going to model a tomato. Please, give me red clay. The teacher's assistant may also help at this moment. The children also get small colored paper plates to put their vegetables on.
2. Then the teacher explains the way of modeling vegetables of different shapes.
While the children are working the teacher comes up to them to see how they are and speak to them: What are you modeling? Is it a tomato or a potato? Is it round? Are you going to model one tomato? How many tomatoes are you going to make? Are going to model a cucumber? Do you like cucumbers?
3. After all children have finished their work they come together with Bunny to the Big Vegetable Exhibition. They get cards with numbers pulling them out of a special box. Then the presentation starts. The teacher announces the number and the child, who has this number, makes a speech. He is to say about his vegetables, their colors and shapes. Bunny is the first to speak. He gives an example: This is a cucumber. It is green. It is long. These are tomatoes. They are red and round.
At the end of the lesson the teacher announces that the Exhibition is closed and thanks the children. Bunny comes up to each child and praises him or her.
Collage "Fruit and Vegetables"
Words and patterns: a hare, a bear, a hedgehog, a goat, a pig, a monkey; words for "Fruit and Vegetables". Hedgehogs like apples. Hares like carrots. Monkeys like bananas and oranges, etc. I am going to cut out the cabbage / the potato / the oranges, etc.
Materials: animal toys or pictures (a hare, a bear, a monkey, a hedgehog, э goat, a pig) a big sheet of paper, pictures of different fruit and vegetables from magazines, booklets (it is good if there are several vegetables or fruit of the same kind, they are to be of different size too), scissors, and glue sticks per each child.
1. The teacher announces that animals from the forest have come to their lesson. They heard that the children had a lot of fruit and vegetables. She says that now they have only pictures not real fruit and vegetables: Let's show them to our guests. The teacher and the children discuss the following: What is this? This is a carrot. Who likes carrots? — Hares like carrots. The children give this picture to the toy hare.
Possible variants are:
Monkeys like bananas and oranges.
Hedgehogs like apples.
Pigs like apples.
Bears like carrots.
Goats like cabbage.
The animals thank children and leave.
2. The teacher collects the pictures and suggests that they use them to decorate their classroom. She says that they are going to make a beautiful picture which is called a collage:
A collage is a picture in which many smaller pictures are glued closely so that they cover all the surface of a sheet of paper. First of all we should cut out these pictures. Look! I have brought many pictures with fruit and vegetables. Now tell me: what is this? Yes, this is a lemon. Is this a potato or a cucumber? Etc. The teacher puts the pictures in front of children. They throw the cube for dice and a child takes that picture on which it drops. She or he has to say: I am going to cut out the apple.
After all the children have got the pictures they form two teams: those that cut out fruit and the second team is "vegetables". The first team will place their pictures on one half of the sheet and the other — on the second half.
3. While the children are working the teacher talks to some of them: What are you doing: cutting it out? Do you like to cut or to glue pictures? Do you like this fruit? What vegetables do you like? She also helps the children to place the pictures on the sheet of paper.
That team, which finishes faster and makes everything better, are the winners.
Making Something for Lunch
Words and patterns: bread, butter, milk, cheese, a sandwich, to cut bread, to spread butter, to hand out plates, knives, etc. Are you hungry? I am hungry. I am not hungry. It is yummy!
Materials: sliced bread, sausage, cheese, a cucumber and a tomato (children will cut the slices in halves), butter, cutting boards, plastic knives,
plates. (Some water and cups may be provided in case some children may be thirsty afterwards).
1. Bunny comes to the lesson. The teacher asks him if he is О. К. Bunny says that he is fine but hungry: I am hungry! I am very hungry! Are you hungry? — He asks several children. The teacher explains to them what this sentence means and how they should react to this question. The children answer: Yes, I am. I am hungry. No, I am not. I am not hungry. The teacher suggests the children that they should help Bunny and give him something to eat: Let's make a sandwich. Listen to this word "sandwich". Who can guess what sandwich it is? (There is a very similar word in Russian).
2. She shows the pictures with different food and asks: what do we take for a sandwich? Do we take bread or milk? Do we take white or black bread? Do you like white or black bread? Do we need butter?
What do we put on bread and butter? What about sausage (cheese)? What else do we put on bread? Do we put on potato, carrot or beet? We put a piece of tomato and cucumber.
Here we have some bread, butter, sausage, cheese, a cucumber and a tomato.
We are going to cut all this. Then we are going to spread butter on the piece of bread. Sveta, what are you going to do? (I am going to cut bread). Misha, what are going to do? (I am going to cut the cucumber). Etc.
Who is going to hand out cutting boards (knives, plates)? Then children wash their hands and set to work. The teacher can make a sandwich for Bunny or one of the children can do it.
3. Before the children start to eat their sandwiches the teacher asks a few questions: what is this? Is this ice-cream? Is this a sandwich or just bread? Bunny also wants to know who is hungry. He asks several children: Are you hungry? — I am hungry too. The teacher: Let's give one sandwich to Bunny! He is very hungry! Bunny thanks the teacher and the children. Now let's have our sandwiches!
The teacher asks the children and Bunny: Do you like your sandwich? Do you like sausages, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers? It is yummy!
Then the children collect the knives, the plates and cutting boards and help the teacher to clean the tables.
A Sweet Sandwich
The same way children can make a sweet sandwich which can be even a more exciting experience because usually most of them like sweets, candies, etc. The sequence of steps is similar. The difference is that we cut soft chocolate sweets and put pieces on bread and butter. It is good if we can provide children with tea.
Such lessons should be conducted in the middle of the day between breakfast and dinner so as not to spoil children's appetite.
In a Cafe
Children may want to play the game pretending that they are making an order in a cafe. The order is quite simple — cereal and milk. On of the players is a barman or a waiter who will serve the dish. Usually children are fascinated by the procedure of pouring milk into the plate with cereal so everyone wants to be the barman. Then they should take turns. The key point of this activity is the dialogue which becomes absolutely real and meaningful for every child. The teacher reminds the children not to forget to greet the barman, to thank him, to say "Good bye". So the dialogue may be as follows:
— Hello!
— Hello!
— May I have cereal with milk, please?
— Yes / О. К. Cereal with milk. Here you are.
— Thank you!
— You are welcome!
— Good bye!
— Bye!
If there is a possibility "the cafe" may sell not only cereal but also everything which is appropriate for the children and the purposes of teaching a foreign language.
Among other recipes that are tasty and easy to make is bananas in honey and nuts. So these are all the ingredients needed. The teacher also has to make sure that children have no allergy to these components. Take a fork and stick one slice of a banana with it. Put it into the bowl with honey and then into the bowl with nuts. The dish is ready. Prepare enough napkins as honey may drop on clothes.
Tongue Zones
Words and patterns: sweet, sour, salty,, bitter, a taste. Sugar has a sweet taste. It is sweet.
Materials: small amounts of food that has three different tastes (a bitter taste we are going just to discuss) on the plates, toothpicks. The scheme of tongue zones and its copies per each chiid, crayons or colored pencils.
1. The teacher places four groups of pictures on the board or on the table. These pictures present four groups of food products those that have a sweet taste, a sour taste, a salty taste, and a bitter taste
Sugar, honey, sweets, chocolate, and ice-cream have a sweet taste.
A lemon, an orange, and a plum have a sour taste.
Salt, a salty cucumber, a sausage, cheese have a salty taste.
Pepper has a bitter taste.
Children, look at the picture! What can you see? Name those things that you know. Then the teacher asks the children to think what each group of food has in common. The children make their suggestions in their native language and the teacher says that in English to present the new words.
You are right! Sugar is sweet. Honey is sweet. Chocolate is sweet. Icecream is sweet. What does the word "sweet" mean? Let's repeat it all together: sweet. Sugar has a sweet taste. It is sweet.
The same way they discuss all other tastes and train the new words.
2. Then the teacher organizes a game. The task is to close the eyes and to taste a piece of food, name its taste and the food itself.
The child comes up to the teacher. She covers his or her eyes with a scarf. Using toothpicks the teacher puts tiny pieces into the child's mouth and asks: What is the taste? Is it bitter? Is it sour or sweet? What is this? She also asks other children who watch the procedure: Is she/he right/wrong? Is it sweet? Is it an apple? What is the taste of the apple? So, the apple has a sweet taste. Then another child comes up and the game continues.
3. The teacher reminds the children the story about Mr. Tongue. She tells them that Mr. Tongue not only helps us to pronounce words and speak but also helps us to feel tastes. Our tongue has different zones.
The teacher demonstrates the scheme with tongue zones and explains: This zone is for a sweet taste. This zone is for a salty taste. This zone is for a bitter taste. Etc.
Now take a red pencil and color the sweet taste zone red. Take the green pencil and color the zone of salty taste green. Etc. Near each zone draw one or two products that have this taste.
While the children are drawing the teacher comes up to each child and talks to him or her: What taste is this? (showing to a certain zone on the child's scheme). What are you drawing? Is it salty? Or: Is this a cucumber or a carrot? What is the taste of the cucumber?
The teacher allows the children to take these schemes so that they may show them to the parents and not forget the zones.
Modeling "Mushrooms"
Words: a mushroom, a cap, a stem, grass, clay, to model, Are you full? Are you hungry? I am going to model 3 mushrooms.
Materials: clay of different colors, boards, green paper for a base for mushrooms, pictures of mushrooms, animal toys.
1. The teacher tells the children that a squirrel and a hedgehog will be their guests today. A squirre! and a hedgehog appear and greet the children: Hello! I am a squirrel. Hello!! am a hedgehog! — Hello, Squirrel. I am glad to see you. etc.
The teacher shows pictures with fruit, vegetables, food and suggests that the children ask the squirrel and the hedgehog if they like to eat anything of that. The children ask: Squirrel, do you like bread, carrots, nuts, etc. Squirrel, what do you like to eat? The teacher says: Children, ask the squirre! and the hedgehog if they are full or hungry. The toy animals answer that they are very hungry as they have made a long way from their forest.
The animals say: I am very hungry. I want mushrooms! The teacher asks: Children, what is a mushroom? Who can guess? Then she explains the meaning of this word and demonstrates the picture of mushrooms. She also has the children practice this word in singular and plural. She proposes that the children should help the animals and model mushrooms for them.
2. Look at the mushroom. This is a cap. This is a stem. What color is the cap? What color is the stem? How many mushrooms are you going to model?
Take two pieces of clay. Take one piece and make a ball. Roll it between your hands and make a sausage. This is going to be a stem. Take another piece of clay. Make a ball and flatten it like this. This is going to be the cap. Put the cap on the stem. This is your mushroom.
3. The children set to work and the teacher asks questions coming up to the children: What are doing now? What are you going to model? How many mushrooms are you going to model? Do you like mushrooms?
The teacher hands out pieces of green paper for the children to put their mushrooms on it: put your mushrooms on the grass.
4. The children talk to the squirrel and the hedgehog:
— Squirrel, do you like my mushrooms?
— Yes, I do! How many mushrooms do you have?
— I have four mushrooms.
— What color is this mushroom? Tell me about your mushrooms.
— This is a stem and this is a cap. The stem is brown. The cap is red. Take this mushroom, squirrel/hedgehog. Eat it!
— Thank you very much!
— You are welcome!
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